Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Worst Part about Big Government

You know government is too big when it takes away the letter N from protest signs. In solidarity, we will call that ufair. We will also complai about this scadal util someoe does somethig about it. Like the military. Or the police. Or maybe the fire departmet.

Oh, wait. Those are all governmental agencies. Never mind.

Thanks to Tamara K. for the photo.  


Andygirl said...

snort. I wait! I mean sort.

Martha Brockenbrough said...

Thaks, Adygirl.

Núria Coe said...

You crack me up!

Cuppa Jolie said...

Good oe, Brockebrough! (Come to thik of it, your last ame is quite large.)

Kjersten said...

so funny.

Kjersten said...

Gosh, seeing my comment after I post it -- it's not funny at all. Driest comment ever to such a great post. Anyway, you make me LOL, Martha, even if my flat comment does not make it seem so.

Amy-Baskin.blogspot.com said...

I'm laughig with you 'cause I ca't cry o more.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...
