Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thanks, Mitch. But Really...

We received this e-mail in our inbox from a 15-year-old named Mitch whose last name is being withheld for obvious reasons:

Subject line: Your hot oh my, i saw your picture on a website, and i must say, you are a definite hottie, i may be 15, but i know what is hot and what is not, and you martha, are a milf.

While we are not going to dispute our MILF status, there are a few problems in this e-mail that must be corrected:

1) It's you're hot, not your hot (but thanks, anyway, Mitch)

2) Web site. Two words, with a capital W. The acronym MILF also must be capitalized.

3) The e-mail is one run-on after another. It's the verbal equivalent of a train wreck and should be recast thus:

Oh my. I saw your picture on a Web site, and I must say, you are a definite hottie. I may be 15, but I know what is hot and what is not, and you, Martha, are a MILF.

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