We think the author of this sentence is using a special keyboard, where the "w" and "c" are right next to each other. Otherwise, there's no explaining typing "crap" instead of "wrap"--unless, of course, he hates old people and really does think they should keep warm inside a nest of their own poop.
I suppose that would create at least temporary warmth. Disgusting, but not unbelievable where old people are concerned.
Now that's bad. But funny.
Too funny!
This is funny, and now I'm not so concerned. If a report can make such a goof, then maybe I'm not as weird as I thought. I can't tell you how many times I type YOU when I mean HER, and vise versa. It's freaky.
What I love is their immediate assumption that older adults are sick. What does that mean exactly? As in sick in the head? Goodness...
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