Sunday, June 15, 2008

Get Paid to Date

This comes from a Parade Magazine article about paid sick leave:

While polls show that Americans strongly support the idea, businesses are concerned about the cost. "Employers have finite resources," says Lisa Horn of the Society for Human Resource Management. "A paid-leave man-date would likely force employers to make up the cost by reducing wages or health-care coverage."

You know, if we could have a paid man-date (or a woman-date--we're open-minded), we wouldn't mind a little bite out of our salary. Long live the bromance and the womance! The world would be a better place for a little more love.

What?!? They meant mandate? That's something completely different. Even so, we are in favor of paid sick leave for employees, perhaps even more than we are in favor of man-dates.

Thanks to Xavier D. for the swell find.

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